While I try to tear my imaginary helper tapeworm Steve away from the listening to NWA's Straight Outta Compton, Explicit Content Only Edition, I find myself faced with having to fetch my own Irish Coffee, Whiskey Only Edition at BWI.
I can't tell you how much fun I find airports after spending several days, maybe even weeks, in the past four months enjoying their ambience while waiting for flights to various exotic locations, such as Newark, N.J.
Just kidding, I never got to locales that exciting.
But here's why I'm writing this. My gears have been ground this morning. However, unlike how this entire preamble I set up would seem to suggest, my gears were ground not by airports, but by traffic.
So, I have a car this time around in DC, which is pretty much the worst situation imaginable, aside from anything obviously worse, you know, like Ricketts.
And while I won't justify why I have the car because as of right now I'm kind of confused, myself, as to what made me think it would be a convenience, but I will justly complain about it.
I drove to BWI. This morning. During rush hour. Let me tell you, I never missed the "inconvenience" of standing outside in the cold waiting for a bus to take me to Union Station so I could take the overcrowded MARC train on which the incomprehensibly sweaty dude standing next to me with his smelly armpit in my face would spend the entire 30 minutes exhaling the scents of last night's dinner of chicken fried steak (extra gravy) from his ass.
I will see I-495 in hell.
Oh, it's good to be back! :)
Oy. I don't think I'd want to drive in DC, but then I also don't think I'd fare well on public transit either. My luck surely would guarantee me to be molested daily instead of my "maybe once every two weeks" routine I have here. ;)
I'd rather be molested. At least I could run. Or kick someone in the balls.
But when you're trapped in a car, all you can do is *think* about kicking someone in the balls. Sucks.
Welcome back! What happened to Sven? I can't believe you dumped a horse for a tapeworm. There's something wrong with that scenario. Did you leave Sven in Colombia?
This blog lives?
You're back in DC ? !
After all that build-up and the ultimate climax of actually getting out?
M@ deserves more respect at this point.
YES! It's good to be back in a town so welcoming.
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