Well, Sven, now we know.
And when I wasn't alternately killing then helping Sven not self-immolate, I was actually out doing sh*t. Mainly, I finally went to Artomatic! And, boy, was it arty! And a little big retardy...but we'll get to that later.
First up -- my favorites (from the small amount I was able to see in two hours. Oh and my camera ran out of batteries after the first 30 minutes. And also, I forgot to write down anyone's name. This is why I plan never ever to go back into journalism. I hate necessary information.)
And now, I present to you the bad:
And now for the most thought provoking:
Joseph Hale certainly piqued my interest with this one and not just because this dog looks uncannily like Steve, the name I plan to give one of the huskies I plan to own in the future that will pull me on a sled along the Iditarod. And not just because it got me thinking about how short and precious life can be lest we get attacked by a small swarm of tiny birds. (What the f*ck are those, canaries?) No, this got me thinking because I'm confused. First off, speaking of those canaries, they really don't look like carnivores. Why are they eating Steve? And secondly, there certainly seems to be a lack of blood streaming out of that giant, gaping, possibly tiny-bird induced wound. Where's the science? I guess that's what artistic license is for. Welcome to my mind. It's a warm and fuzzy place. :)
But luckily, that's pretty much the hardest I was forced to think the entire weekend. Life really is precious.
But luckily, that's pretty much the hardest I was forced to think the entire weekend. Life really is precious.
I was at Artomatic on Sunday and also saw the Perfect Shambles. It took a lot of effort to avoid making awkward eye contact with him.
Avoid?! I was trying to make awkward eye contact with him. I' guessing, however, I'm not his type.
OMG, why would anyone do that to sweet, little peeps?? Perverts, I say, and definitely not art. At least it wasn't the chick peeps.
Sven is a dude not a horse, right?
Peeps have a dark side, I suppose. They also make you puke if you eat too many. It makes sense to me.
While sometimes I call him dude, as in "Dude, can you keep you please keep your oats in your feedbag?" Sven is most definitely a horse. A helpful one, though. Hence, my helper horse. He's the replacement for my helper tortoise, Vladimir. Welcome to my blog. I hope you stop by again!
Amen, sister, on the fucking glue gun.
That said, Joseph Hale's art couldn't help but remind me of this:
Only except the "too cute" part.
There were killer parakeets in Barbarella - maybe it's a reference?
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