And on the subject of not worth talking about, I made another video blog. The setting is rural southern Virginia, and the subject matter is standard: bikes, my hair and my functional retardation.
Before today’s feature presentation begins, however, I’ll disclose that this is the first time I worked with my mobile medium, my Flip Mino Camcorder (someone should really pay me for that plug...), so excuse the extreme close-ups and shaky camera work. I'm still getting used to it. Also, considering I haven't been doing much of it on this blog lately, I'd like to remind you that I’m a writer (I hope…), not a videographer (which is really too bad).
But I guess there’s no need to prolong the inevitability of bringing more shame to my friends and family through this latest video experiment, so please all The Anti DC to present A Janky Bike, A Jankier Rider.
I'm pretty sure it was a muskrat.
The hair is awesome.
But the question is, how did you shoot that? Are you doing the "Look Ma -- no hands!" thing?
That leads to many scraped knees for seven year olds around the nation...
A muskrat? Really?
One handed. I almost died when I tried to off-road it.
Marissa --
Do you have an outtake reel from when the camera went flying?
No. I was thankfully able to hold onto it...at the expense of my right knee.
Now we're talking! I wish I had the skillz to vlog from my bike.
I agree with anon - that was a muskrat - it had a rat-like tail, not a flat beaver tail.
In other news, your front wheel looks out of true.
Cinéma vérité with The Blow as the soundtrack. What could be better?
Yes, the tail tells the tail.
Muskrat love. (And hats! Good hats to be made there...)
Muskrat it is...but about the wheel. I think that bike is lucky to still able to be ridden.
If only you could see the outtakes. I have like 20 minutes of solid footage of the pavement.
I've added a muskrat notation.
I'd be willing to bet 2 dollars that it was a nutria!
I think you're right!!! I just looked it up. It looked just like a beaver but with a skinny tail. Mystery solved.
I really enjoy these they are *ucking awesome.
Nutria are in South America - not in my neighborhood!
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