So, I went away for a while and I must admit I'm having a hard time getting back into my usual hateful state of mind. But not because I've somehow magically come around to loving DC. Hell no. I still barely tolerate this place. The real reason I'm having Anti DC writer's block is because I've grown increasingly indifferent to this sh*thole we call home. Or maybe this sh*thole
I call home if you're reading this and lucky enough to dwell somewhere a bit more sensational like San Francisco, Chicago or Ashgabat, which we all know is the capital of Turkmenistan.

Ahh, does that really look like the former face of a totalitarian dictator? Or was Turkmenbashi simply a benevolent old man who wanted to spice up the calendar? I think the portrait on wheels explains it all.
Now, if you're an e-friend of mine on Facebook or Twitter, you'll already know where I was. And no, unfortunately it wasn't Ashgabat.
I was on the West Coast enjoying such wonderful things as the Pacific Ocean, giant trees and, most of all, copious amounts of wine. And with little else to say at the moment, but with a lot more daydreaming to do, I present to you here a few photos from my escapade that make me feel like a
deep sea fish with a transparent head and tubular eyes. Or a
running robot. Or an
octopus squeezing itself through a hole the size of a quarter. In other words, I hope you like them, too!

The opposite of love isn't hate, it's indifference...
Re the photos -- do I detect another strain of sentimentality?
While I'm a big fan of the blog, it's a good thing you're still experiencing the joy of being away from DC. I'd be concerned about the future of this blog, but I know that DC will have you back to your hateful self in no time. You can only remain indifferent for so long before DC does something to enrage you.
-Anonymous Brian
Sentimentality toward a place that isn't DC...
anon brian--
Oh, I'm sure it will take maybe a day, a day and a half. Already I went to Subway yesterday and saw the five-dollar footlongs are now six dollars. I was seething...
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