Thursday, March 24, 2011


Sorry for the tardy post today (and for once I actually mean tardy opposed to my usual 'tardy), but I just woke up.

No, not for the first time today. See, I got up, went to work, and then just dozed off. I'm sure you can understand a woman's need every now and again to take a nap at work, right?

"RIGHT ON, SISTER!" yells the National Airport air traffic controller, who coincidentally also just woke up. "NAPPING RULEZ!"

It sure does, my man. I surrrre does. But wait a second. I can nap at my job because no one's life depends on it. You, on the other hand, air traffic control guy, you're kind of in a different situation, no? I mean, one of your main responsibilities -- actually, you're only responsibility -- is to keep human beings alive by making sure the rigid airships that contain them don't collide with each other. Right?


Yeah, so actually napping doesn't rule for you at all. In fact, let me go a bit further and suggest that this week would also be a great time to for you to quit sniffin' glue...

And I'm not just saying that because I, myself, am getting on a plane tomorrow; I'm saying that because glue is definitely not the right drug for an air traffic controller to be hooked on. May I suggest an upper, like crack cocaine? Ask a local elementary school kid about it...

But let's get back to my favorite subject and not yours -- me. I'm sure you're all literally not dying to know where I'm going tomorrow. Well, I'll end the suspense I wish there was and tell you. I'm going to Iceland! Why? Because I just don't want winter to be over yet. Also, they have bare butts in their official tourism ads, that's why.


Geojour said...

MAN! How is it?! HOW IS IT that so man GREAT artists come from iceland?

I might sound like spam, but...

IF I can score airline tickets out there, could you let me crash on your property!?

Marissa said...


Although I would love to, I don't own property in Iceland.

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