And while I won't be spending the day with my mother due to distance, we will be meeting up next week to celebrate the only way we know how -- at the casino. Seriously. And mom? I'm gonna take you to the finest comped buffet at Foxwoods. You're welcome. Hell, maybe we'll even go halfsies on a $5-footlong. My treat.
Your Unemployed Offspring
P.S. -- You'll lend me some seed money for the tables, right? Or at least the $5 needed to purchase that footlong...
You could also add in Trishelle from the Real World Vegas on that card. She kind of looks like those two. In fact, I think she is the offspring of both (lush/sex addict)
I couldn't be prouder. You are just like me!
phil: I'm not quite sure whether to be flattered or offended. For one, apparently it's not instantly clear that I was once labeled the lush (although, this ran in a Moscow rag where everyone was a lush), or whether to be offended because any future kids I may accidentally have may turn out to be Trishelle from The Real World. Hmm...interesting thought experiment, indeed.
mom: So you're also underemployed selling dildos to the Georgetown public? Wow!
Hmm, former sex slave, sex shop worker, eh I got nothing.
I am in awe and I'm left speechless.
patty: The bright side is that it's sex shop worker and not just sex worker.
ned: So's my mom.
Well, Trishelle is pretty hot, except that she's a drunken tramp.
Is that graphic an indirect way for the author here to call herself luscious?
phil: Drunken tramp. New goal? I'll think about it.
ben: In no way was I behind this comparison. This was actually published in a now-defunct Moscow-based newspaper called The eXile.
The eXile?
I remember that paper! (Haven't seen a copy since July 2002, but I remember it well -- it made fun of Moroccan refugees. (They deserved it.))
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