Thankfully, though, all the time I spend avoiding humans of all colors, shapes and sizes (I an equal opportunity hater), I came across some pretty sweet sh*t on the Interweb. And as tradition here dictates, I'm forced to count off in some random language in order to share it. (Tradition also states all Anti DC traditions must be idiotic.) So, how about Turkish? After all, baklava is delicious.
Bir! (And yes, that's pronounced "beer.") City Paper published something worth reading! Of course it was on their blog first...but who reads blogs anyway? Oh yeah. But whatever. It's about my forté: RAPE JOKES!
Iki! Ever yearned to find a Web site dedicated to depicting otters doing human-like things? Me neither. But that's because I didn't know what I was missing!
Üç! Oh my! It's a gnarly pizza crusade in Adams Morgan! Thank you, Ward 1 City Councilman Jim Graham?
Dört! Shoot. This pygmy jerboa's vlog is better than mine. Of course, that's to be expected. Anything a human can do a pygmy jerboa can do better.
Bes! Look at this f*cking hipster.
Have a boss weekend!
As a native Turkish speaker, I approve of this blog.
Re: the rape joke post. Very interesting to me....
Side note: I'm filing a police report w/ the D.C. police for death threats.
That picture makes me hungry... and I haven't had baklava for fifteen years...
Is baklava sweet or meaty? I'm ok with both.
I'm headed to VT this weekend to violate matt's sister, 'cause its funny!
pq--Çok teşekkür ederim! (If indeed Google is not giving me misinformation.)
m@--Death threats are all the rage these days.
ben--Baklava is the best dessert of all time. If you love the nuts.
rachel--It's sweet...and nutty! It's so good.
anon--Um, thanks for sharing?
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