Of course, this punch to the face that was really my arm was also not intentional. The pain was thrust unto my limb by one of DC's ridiculously annoying teens. A teenage girl, to be exact, shouting something incomprehensible to her friend who also couldn't wait for those of us exiting the metro train to board themselves.
I guess I shouldn't have mocked that sh*tty video the metro authorities put out pleading with people to practice common courtesy, which as far as I know doesn't include punching people in the arm hard enough to leave a bruise while bursting onto the metro despite the exiting crowd.
Once again, DC is full of assholes.
And the timing couldn't have been better. It was just when I was getting back into the District after a nice relaxing few days in the country, where I didn't get punched at all.
But don't think getting punched was the only "interesting" thing to happen to me immediately upon my return. A homeless man also creepily approached me and told me and/or his imaginary friend that his leg "smells of Limburger cheese."
In retrospect, that really was interesting. And for the record, I didn't smell anything beyond stale booze and rat piss, although, I suppose, that could easily be mistook for Limburger cheese...
Yep. I'm so glad to be back...
A teenage girl, to be exact, shouting something incomprehensible to her friend who also couldn't wait for those of us exiting the metro train to board themselves.
I call schenanigans. Since when can someone earning the equivalent of $2.50 an hour and being paid in dildos afford to take the metro?
Au contraire. I'm back on fulltime unemployment. Oop, I mean FUNemployment!!!
Did you not read my last post?
My apologies; I've been busy engaging in the most fun work-related training ever: Shooting guns. All that gunsmoke and barrel lube fumes must have gone to my head.
I was waiting for a Metro (at Waterside Mall stop, for the record) one time and two girls came up from behind me and one of them decided it would be fun to simply grab my hair and give it a good yank.
She yanked my hair so hard it snapped my head back--almost hard enough to cause whiplash.
Then the girls kept walking and chanting something strange that I couldn't make out. No, I didn't bother to yell shit or complain in any way. I figured we were all better off, if I just shut the hell up and forgot about the whole experience. (And I haven't thought about it for some time now. At least, not until I read your post.)
And people say New Yorkers are unfriendly . . . ?
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