In an effort to expand my e-reach around the Interweb (hmm, something definitely doesn't sound right about that clause), I will be taking took my antics over to why.i.hate.dc later today with an easy three-step-guide on how to not end up on this blog by acting like an asshole at the 9:30 Club. And while it's already written, it won't go up until 3 p.m., or, as I now know that time, when the Dr. Phil show comes on. (I'm really, really good at being unemployed.)

In the meantime (and since we're on the topic of concerts), I invite everyone -- even Dr. Phil -- to come out to Solly's at 11th and U tonight to catch not only me at the
The show starts at eight o'clock. And there's no cover! It's really a dream come true. Well, it will be until 10 p.m. rolls around and I muck up the legitimately talented vibe with my personal brand of retardulosity. Aww...but if I see you not dancing during my playlist, you better at least be drinking! Don't make me blog you. No, seriously.
Read that easy three-step guide to not being a dick at a concert HERE. And, just for good measure...

Why aren't we bff again?
Also, PLEASE leave the comment above mine up. That shiz is HILAR.
"Does the beautiful woman occasionally do Sonn?"
What's Sonn? What's Sonn?!? I have to know.
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