Thursday, January 15, 2009

unemployment yields the best non-benefits

What's up, e-friends! While I was fashioning outfits out of plastic bags and toilet paper (I'm beginning to get a little stir-crazy and I'm only four official days into unemployment!), I've been weeding through the write for free!


But it's not all stupid. Being the word-whore that I am, I couldn't pass up the chance to join the team over at why.i.hate.dc. If for nothing else, this new endeavor will hopefully drive some more traffic over here that will lead more people to click on that sweet ad I slapped onto the upper righthand corner! Just kidding! Google has told me not to ask people to do that, so I totally mean that as a joke. Sorta. (Not really.) Click that ad.

Anydownwardspiral, I posted a doozy over there about, well, why I hate DC (surprise!). But I must say type, I was a little sad not to post it over here. However, since it doesn't involve any of my new 100 percent recyclable design efforts, I figured I'd let this new well-adjusted foster kid (why.i.hate.dc) have it, opposed to my natural born dumpster baby (The Anti DC). We'll reserve this sweet, retarded baby for greater forays into idiocy.

Yet don't think I'll neglect this wacky, beautiful, Garbage Pail Kid® of a blog project just because I have a password to hack into another site. It's not like I have anything else to do except, of course, to watch Dr. Phil and The Tyra Banks Show. Oh, and find paying work.

Plus, one can only sew together squares of Charmin® for so long before realizing that toilet paper is not an actual fabric, and thus cannot be sewn. Paper towels, though, now there's a quality material.

On that note, maybe you ought to just forget about my latest shamblings and just click on over there because there's clearly nothing to see here...EXCEPT FOR MUGGED MARCUS!


Marcus Dowling said...

Offended. :)

Keep your head up. This is all going to be far funnier than you ever realized it could be one day.

- Me.

rachaelgking said...

Garbage pail kids always FREAKED ME THE EFF OUT.

Good to know some things never change...

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the firing thing...that's kinda lame to me, but what do I know. I'm a transplant from Chicago for 2 years now and I too feel out of sorts here, almost alien. A friend of mine used to refer to herself as roget's whore...just commenting on your word-whore comment. Looking forward to you on wihdc :)

Marissa said...


I'm actually already laughing. I laughed when I got fired too. I don't think they were expecting that...


I'm with you. They're pretty effing creepy.


Eh, the firing thing is nothin'. Roget's whore -- I like it!

Anonymous said...

i miss the Garbage Pail Kids. i used to have all of 'em....