So, I've decided to do a little bit of rogue reporting today by attending the "opening" of the seemingly ridiculous bike lanes that run down THE CENTER of Pennsylvania Avenue. While I really don't want to get hit by anyone in a car mistaking the center lane for, say, a CENTER LANE, I want to give Mayor Fenty,
our elected stick of butter (hat tip to
ListenToLeon), and the other brainchildren of this plan, District Department of Transportation Director Gabe Klein and U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, a chance to explain. Personally, I think this is just a way for Fenty to get back in the taxi drivers' good graces before the election by creating a new sport for them -- bicycle bowling.
Trust me. About a month ago, I deigned to try out this "very special" lane (um, even though they were not "open") and thought to myself, if the world bean supply ever gets destroyed and I need to commit suicide, this is probably the most effective way to do it.
But alas, I'm going to pretend that something called "objective reporting" exists this afternoon and give our fair, backwards city a chance to talk itself out of this one. Indeed, I vow to open my mind to this horrible-sounding idea before I judge it as actually horrible, so look out for more later. And also, look out for imminent death if you happen to be riding on Pennsylvania today...
Thanks for the mention! Having a bike lane in the CENTER of the street does sound dangerous! People already don't pay enough attention while driving. As much as I'd like to see more bike riders and less cars on the road, I'm not feeling too good about this!
...However, I do LOVE that the intersection near the Gallery Place/Chinatown metro now gives you the option to cross the street diagonally. THAT was a good idea, unlike trusting cabbies and other horrible drivers to be on the lookout for people on bikes.
Just last night my husband mistook the bike lane on Pennsylvania for the far left driver's lane. It only took him a second to realize his mistake and get in to the correct lane. My husband ia a sensible and observant driver. If he could make that error, what about the idiot drivers?
I can't resist stealing the material of people who are funnier than me. :)
And holy sh*t balls! I need to peep this kiddy-corner crosswalk. Although, I trust that I've been jaywalking diagonally there for years now...
Honestly, I don't blame him! They look like center lanes, especially since they seem to be empty of bikes most of the time...
I almost want to take some bright green paint and go out there myself...
I used to ride up and down Pennsylvania Avenue all the time, and I frequently chose to ride down the center. So while I think many of the city's bike lanes are crazy (that reverse one on 15th being the worst), I think that one makes sense.
Yeah, I made a follow-up vlog and decided it made more sense than I originally thought. I really do stand staunchly against the manner in which these lanes were painted. They really should be a totally different color than the road. It is hard to tell by just a glance that they're for bikes only...
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