The Washington Post reports:
"Mayor Adrian M. Fenty (D) and his family took 'full responsibility' for the theft of two bicycles from his open garage earlier this month and said Monday that the police officer guarding their Crestwood home followed protocol."
I'm sorry, but WHAAAAAAAA?! Maybe Stick of Butter (or S.O.B., if you will) doesn't realize this because he's too busy being a, well, stick of butter (and an S.O.B.), but by taking "fulls responsibility" for SOMEONE ELSE stealing his bikes -- no matter if he leaves his garage door open or not -- is TOTALLY F*CKED UP. To me, it sounds like he's blessing bike thieving, or thieving of any kind actually, as an act not only to be accepted in the District, but something that's the victim's fault. That's like blaming women in short skirts for rape. Not cool.
In fact, in the words of Philip Roth, "F*ck that noise." While perhaps Fenty made it more enticing for the thieves to steal his property by leaving his garage door open, for once Fenty isn't to blame. The responsibility sits solely with the dicks who stole his sh*t.
Full disclosure: I've had a bike stolen in the District. It sucked. It still sucks. And while, I left it locked up with a metallic pipe cleaner, I do not and will never blame myself for someone else's immoral choice. If anyone's getting punched in the face in that situation, you can bet my fists won't be aimed inward.
But unfortunately, that method only prevails in flyover country. The last thing we need in DC is a group of armed bovine. After all, we already have too many armed jackasses... But what we do need here is a new culture -- a culture that's based on mutual respect, honesty, and most of all, a condemnation of bad behavior, not an exaltation of it through the creation of a precedent that dictates the victim take the blame over the criminal. That's just f*cking stupid. But I guess that's what you get for electing a stick of butter to public office...
And while I'm certainly not ignorant enough to believe other major urban areas aren't riddled with crime and problems, I can't fathom any other mayor handling criminal incidents in quite same way. I mean, really, could you imagine Giuliani back in the day blaming the World Trade Center's height for 9/11 instead of the terrorists?
Think about it. And then don't vote for Fenty.
Psst. I think it's the shotguns that do it... (Keep a law-abiding citizenry law-abiding, I mean.)
On the other hand, I think Charlie Sheen should stop leaving his Mercedes out with the keys in the ignition...
But that only leaves the Joker.
Hmm, SOB or the Joker. Pretty slim pickings of you ask me.
"-- a culture that's based on mutual respect, honesty, and most of all, a condemnation of bad behavior, not an exaltation of it through the creation of a precedent that dictates the victim take the blame over the criminal. That's just f*cking stupid. But I guess that's what you get for electing a stick of butter to public office..."
Fenty grew up in DC. Of course he has that mentality. And you can bet the DC culture of criminality, the same culture that blames the victim, will dominate the population there long after you've grown weary of it.
Transients come and go ( and come again, ahem ), but the indigenous people, those who have been inculcated in crime, aren't going anywhere.
Its definitely fun and perhaps even beneficial to "do a rotation" through DC. But to live there with the expectation that the culture will change within a generation? No. It won't happen.
I get the pro-gun argument, but I don't agree with it in this rare case.
Leon called him the Count from Sesame Street...
That's a really good point. I think these values (or lack thereof) are passed down the generations. I think it also comes from other societal ills, like racism, poverty and drugs. I was lucky enough to grow up without any of that, which surely affects the crime rates and, more importantly, how people feel about criminals, victims, guilt and innocence.
I'm sure some sociologist has looked into this. If you know of studies, let me know. I find this difference in attitudes fascinating.
So I've got two things to say abt all this...
1. Dude reported those bikes as being worth 300 bucks each. Lies, I'm guessing they were 3k each and they are playing it off like "woops some admin assistant forgot that other zero". I'm thinking a new crime trend should be to steal public official's expensive bikes.
2. I'm so torn on fenty. On one hand he seems like all he cares about are bike lanes. His leadership style is like that of a small old dog. Rather dispassionate, disconnected, and slow. On the other hand, he's a big supporter of the arts and bikes! The crux of this all end up at the fact that in this awful economy DC still seems to be keeping it's head above water. So I fear that a change in leadership might topple a very delicately balanced economic sanctuary. As much as having a job sux not having one sux even worse. So I don't know the guy is obviously a dork and not much of a leader but in this case it might not be the time to change horses? I don't know. Le'Sigh....
"Transients come and go ( and come again, ahem ), but the indigenous people, those who have been inculcated in crime, aren't going anywhere."
Where do these indigenous people reside in DC. It seems like abroad generalization to lump all natives of DC as complacent victims.
fenty grew up in reston, virginia, where crime rates are very low and the median income rate is over 80k. his parents own a chain of running shoe stores and are very economically comfortable. there goes the theory about him being "inculcated with crime."
the premise of this whole post is an out of context quote from a newspaper, not the mayor himself or one of his representatives. you're just looking for something to attack and frankly not looking very hard.
the previous comments are using "indigenous people" as a euphemism and it's pretty apparent that they mean "black people."
i'm a native of dc, and am more personally responsible on my worst day than any of you rednecks have been in your entire lives. get over yourselves.
I'm a native of dc, and am more personally responsible on my worst day than any of you rednecks have been in your entire lives. get over yourselves.
I too am native of DC and also black. I'll repeat, stop with the generalizations and assumptions.
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