Friday, January 25, 2008

occupation: prophet

So as my profile indicates, I'm a reporter during the day, which has me perusing a hot mess of .gov sites on a regular basis. Most of these sites are mind-crushingly dull, but some can actually get quite interesting. One in particular that caught my attention this morning was, which is the Federal Election Commission's site. At first, this site looks even more boring than the standard .gov endeavor, but upon closer inspection, the FEC allows for some pretty tight information transmission.

For example, it publishes a list of every individual who's ever contributed to any campaign. So if you love intruding in on people's personal business (ahoy!), this can be quite entertaining. Sure it's fun to find out which celebrities gave what to whom, but what's even better is finding something like the following (a contributor to Barack Obama's presidential campaign):
Contributor: David Aaker
Address: Orinda, Calif., 94563
Date: 06/05/2007
Amount: $2300
Employer/Occupation: PROPHET
Seriously?! Prophet?! An effing prophet! Like Jesus! Holy hijinx!

*goes to Google*

Oh wait...wait just a minute. David Aaker is not like Jesus. He's not even like David Koresh. Nope. David "Prophet" Aaker is just the vice chairman of the management team of some sort of financial company called Prophet. Boo.

...And is officially boring again. Dang.

PS -- Sorry to get all DC on you right then, but when in Rome hell...


jheisel said...

wow, my grandmother donated $125 to mccain last year through september 30!

Marissa said...

Interesting. My grandma once gave my brother and I Ronald Reagan collector's coins when we were roughly 10 and 8, respectively, for Christmas. I can't tell if that means we were bad or good that year.