Pardon my Ricky Ricardo reference, but my oh my, it seems I may have some clarifying or "'splainin" to do regarding the true intention behind my one-woman
DC Fashion Blog Jihad. *sigh* Jihads are so complicated...
First off, I never meant to offend anyone
personally (well, maybe the editor of DC Style -- that effing snakeskin wedge certainly says something about a person's soul). But luckily for me, everyone who needs to know that I really do mean no harm -- Panda Head's Morgan and A Serious Job's Johanna -- already knows. But for those of you who may not have gotten it the first time for whatever reason, let me assure you that, really, as much as it seems out of character that I
didn't mean to offend anyone personally, I tell you now sincerely that I did not. If I did, surely Morgan and Johanna wouldn't have bothered to craft well-written, rational and thought-provoking responses, or composed entire
retorts on some of their own blogs, which I'm sure the author realized would at least decuple my little blog's hits (btw -- thanks Johanna!).
As for Rachel over at Project Beltway, hard as it may be to believe coming from a robot like me that I truly did not mean to
personally offend her, despite my now well-known disappointment with the direction of her blog, I really didn't. Like I said, she seems like a perfectly kind person (yes, probably much kinder than my circuitry and wires would ever allow), but sorry, I have problems with the content and presentation of her blog. Boom. I said it...again. So one last time before I reboot, let me repeat -- I don't have problems with
her, just her blog.
Anyway, save for PB, I'm 99.9 percent sure that most people understood (although may not have agreed with) my true complaint, which wasn't centered around any sort of argument having to do with me disliking anyone personally or even necessarily disliking their blogs. In fact, I read both ASJiNE and Panda Head regularly (Johanna's for the magazine-style writing and Morgan's for the "random links" to her other projects, many of which help me become a better seamstress). No, no, my main argument regarding Panda Head and ASJiNE, was not about the blogs, per se, but about what subliminal gems they seemed to reveal about DC's fashion sense.
My argument was quite simple and, maybe, quite ridiculous, and, worst of all, perhaps unclear: No new photos on PB and Panda Head = No decent outfits in DC to photograph = Craptastic DC fashion sense. Likewise, the "common sense" (to me, anyway) advice often dished out on ASJiNE and the tsunumi of responses that makes me think some -- not
all, but
some -- of her more devoted disciples just climbed out from beneath a shelf in the Kathy Lee Gifford section of WalMart = Holy sh*t. Fashion in DC (and other American cities?) is indeed remedial.
Again, not once (at least regarding Panda Head and ASJiNE) did I poo-poo the person behind the blog. In fact, in both cases, I believe I commended the authors either on their grammatical skills and/or their valiant undertakings, again, both reasons why I read ASJiNE and Panda Head regularly. Hell, I even added links to them in the righthand column because I feel it is due diligence on my part to help promote some of DC's better blogs. But, I refrained from adding PB and DCStyle to my list for obvious reasons (not because I hate them necessarily, but simply because I don't read them).
Anyway, this 'splainin exercise has turned out far less cheeky and snarky than I'd like any post to be on
The Anti DC. Seriously, sincerity hurts my brain. So, allow me to pop some metaphorical aspirin now and add just a few sentences directed at those readers (possibly those women who have yet to figure out how mirrors work and/or rampant PB supporters) who either 1) didn't understand my original post; 2) don't have a sense of humor; and/or 3) hate me because I'm beautiful (I kid! Come on now! I'm hideous!):
I don't know where you asshats (I mean that endearingly) come from, but the hardcore streets (um, of south central Minnesota) in which I spent my formative years not only gave me apparently a keen eye for flat-front pants and fine leather shoes, but also a rational response mechanism on how to deal with statements I don't necessarily agree with.
Sure, you can tell me to take "100 midols" (anonymous) or "go on Prozac" (Auntie DC -- sidebar: love the pun!). You can even tell me I'm "ignorant" (miranda priestly) or "ghastly boring" because I blogged about other people's blogs (laura). And yes, you can call my delightfully witty rants "tiring" (rdhd) and tell me to move to "Blacksburg, Va. or Durham, NC or any other tiny town" (rdhd -- for the record, besides growing up in rural Minnesota, I spent four years in Grinnell, Iowa, pop. 9,369, so in fact, I already have lived in "any other tiny town," a category I wouldn't necessarily put either of your two suggestions in). And hell, you can even call me a "feisty hipster" (from a guy's perspective).
In the end, I doubt anything anyone could ever type could top
the best and possibly most creative public haranguing I ever received. And that was in a competitor print publication (albeit in Moscow, Russia) with a circulation of 25,000+, so Bring. It. On. I love attention, in case you couldn't have guessed.
So, until an actual fatwah is put on my head,
PS -- I'll be back to my "normal" bitchy self again soon. Ta!